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‘World’s First Robot Lawyer’ Tackles Everything From Speeding Tickets In Court To Racism In Housing


Another day, another AI revelation. 

DoNotPay, also known as the “world’s first robot lawyer,” will appear in court for the first time to help a defendant fight a speeding ticket. 

The robot’s AI system will represent a defendant by instructing them to respond to a criminal judge. According to reports, the lawyer is set to take on two speeding ticket cases in court next month – one in person and another via Zoom. 

“The law is almost like code and language combined, so it’s the perfect use case for AI,” said Joshua Browder, CEO, and founder of DoNotPay. 

“I think this is the biggest potential for GPT and large language model technology.” 

How does the process work? 

Defendants will be given an earpiece – like an AirPod – with Bluetooth connectivity. The AI lawyer will whisper instructions into the defendants’ ears to assist them with the best things to say to fight their case. 

DoNotPay wants to put its AI system to the test in a courtroom setting to help advise defendants on the best way to handle a traffic case. 

According to reports, if all goes wrong and they lose the case, DoNotPay has agreed to cover any fines and court fees the defendant may be stuck with.

The AI robot’s software has also been adjusted to avoid impromptu reactions to everything it hears in court. Instead, it will listen to the arguments put forward and analyze them strategically before compiling a good response for the defendant. 

“The goal of [DoNotPay] is to make the $200 billion legal profession free for consumers,” Browder added. 

Tackling racism in housing

In addition to helping defendants fight their traffic cases, consumer-focused tech company DoNotPay has also found a new and efficient way to remove racist language from essential documents such as deeds, homeowners’ association rules, and real estate documents.

The company decided to investigate housing laws and was shocked to see that racist language was still prominent in many – if not all – of the documents.

“What we discovered is remarkable is that all of this racist language still exists in all of these documents,” Browder added. “So we figured out a way to automate its removal.”

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