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Protecting the Pulse of Healthcare: The Urgency of Biomedical Device Security


Why is Biomedical Device Security Essential for Patient Safety?

When it comes to healthcare services, patient safety is always a top priority. This is why biomedical device security is so critical. Biomedical devices are used for a variety of purposes, from diagnosing and monitoring patients to administering life-saving treatments. But, as technology advances and healthcare becomes more digital, these devices are increasingly vulnerable to cyber-attacks. The potential consequences of a security breach are dire, putting patients at risk of injury or even death. In this blog, we’ll explore why biomedical device security is so essential for patient safety and discuss some of the potential risks of not securing these devices properly.

Protecting Patient Privacy

As technology continues to advance and healthcare providers rely more heavily on biomedical devices, the amount of patient information stored on these devices increases. This information is often transmitted wirelessly, making it vulnerable to interception by cyber attackers who can use it to their advantage. In some cases, attackers may even use this information to hold patients’ data hostage, demanding a ransom in exchange for its safe return.

Moreover, breaches of patient privacy can have long-lasting effects on individuals and can even impact their ability to receive adequate medical care. Patients may feel hesitant to share sensitive information with their healthcare providers if they do not trust that their information will be kept confidential. This can lead to delays in treatment, misdiagnosis, or even incorrect treatment, which can ultimately harm patient outcomes.

Given these risks, healthcare providers must take proactive steps to ensure that patient information stored on biomedical devices is secure. This includes implementing robust security measures, such as encryption and authentication protocols, and regularly updating device software to protect against known vulnerabilities. Additionally, healthcare providers must ensure that their staff is trained to handle patient information properly and understand the risks of cyber threats to patient privacy.

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Ensuring Device Functionality

Protecting patient privacy and physical safety is crucial, but it’s equally important to ensure that biomedical devices function correctly. These devices are complex and require precise calibration and operation to perform their intended functions. Hackers with malicious intentions could easily tamper with the settings and data, resulting in inaccurate readings or improper treatment, putting patients at risk.

Imagine an insulin pump delivering the wrong dosage to a diabetic patient, causing a sudden drop in blood sugar levels and leading to a life-threatening situation. Similarly, compromising a pacemaker can result in erratic heart rhythms or cardiac arrest. In 2017, Marie Moe’s story of hacking her pacemaker went viral, highlighting the vulnerabilities of medical devices and the need for better security measures.

Various news outlets, including Wired, BBC News, NPR, and Forbes, covered Marie Moe’s story, emphasizing the significance of addressing cybersecurity risks in medical devices. Ensuring the security of biomedical devices through proper encryption, access control, and monitoring can help prevent malicious attacks and keep patients safe. By doing so, we can improve patient outcomes and minimize the risk of harm or complications.

  1. Wired: “This Woman Hacked Her Own Damn Pacemaker” (https://www.wired.com/2015/10/woman-hacked-own-pacemaker-help-make-safer/)
  2. BBC News: “Woman who hacked pace-maker to get device security talks” (https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-39028030)
  3. NPR: “To Keep Medical Device Hackers At Bay, He’ll Bring Their Tools To Life” (https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/01/03/574506174/to-keep-medical-device-hackers-at-bay-hell-bring-their-tools-to-life)
  4. Forbes: “Hacking A Heartbeat: How A Security Flaw Exposed Millions Of Medical Devices” (https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2016/10/31/hacking-a-heartbeat-how-a-security-flaw-exposed-millions-of-medical-devices/#3db066e12d15)

Marie Moe’s story highlights the importance of addressing cybersecurity risks in medical devices to prevent potential harm to patients.

Ensuring the security of biomedical devices through proper encryption, access control, and monitoring can help prevent these types of malicious attacks and ensure that the devices function as intended. This, in turn, can help improve patient outcomes and reduce the risk of harm or complications.

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Attacks on Medical Devices

Cyberattacks on biomedical devices pose a serious threat to patient physical safety. These devices are responsible for regulating critical functions such as heart rate, breathing, and medication dosage. However, attackers can manipulate the devices, resulting in malfunctions that can lead to severe adverse reactions or even fatalities. For instance, in 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning about vulnerabilities in pacemakers that hackers could remotely exploit to cause device malfunctions, such as rapid or slowed heart rates. The affected devices were manufactured by St. Jude Medical (now Abbott), and included the Merlin@home Transmitter, Accent MRI, Accent ST, Assurity, Allure, and Anthem models. In addition to the immediate risks, compromised device security can lead to long-term consequences, such as exposure of patient medical records to cybercriminals, putting patients at risk of ongoing security threats.

Some of the most common threats to biomedical device security include malware attacks, data breaches, and ransomware attacks. Attackers can gain access to a device through vulnerabilities in the software, exploiting weak passwords or via phishing emails.

In addition to these common threats, there are also specific threats that are unique to biomedical devices. For example, attackers can exploit the wireless connectivity of devices to gain access to them remotely. This could include hijacking a device’s radio frequency (RF) signals, which are used to communicate with other devices, and using them to gain control of the device. Another potential threat is the manipulation of firmware or hardware within a device, which can enable an attacker to bypass security measures and gain access to sensitive data or control the device’s operations.

One particularly concerning threat is the insider threat, where an employee or contractor with access to sensitive data or devices intentionally or unintentionally breaches security protocols. This could include accessing or stealing sensitive patient information or tampering with the device’s hardware or software.

In addition, as biomedical devices become more interconnected with other devices and networks, they also become more vulnerable to external cyber attacks. For example, a hacker who gains access to a hospital’s network could potentially access and control biomedical devices connected to that network.

here have been several successful attacks on medical devices in recent years. Here are some notable examples:

  1. In February 2021, a hacker published proof-of-concept (PoC) code for exploiting vulnerabilities in an infusion pump made by Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD). The vulnerabilities could allow attackers to remotely control the pump and deliver incorrect dosages of medication to patients. Source: https://www.securityweek.com/hacker-publishes-poc-exploits-bd-infusion-pump-vulnerabilities
  2. In October 2020, researchers from cybersecurity firm Cybereason discovered a new strain of ransomware called “Ryuk” that was specifically designed to target medical devices. The ransomware was used to encrypt devices and demand ransom payments from hospitals and healthcare providers. Source: https://www.cybereason.com/blog/ryuk-ransomware-targeting-healthcare-organizations
  3. In July 2020, security researchers from Check Point discovered vulnerabilities in a popular medical device management platform called “Fleetsmith”. The vulnerabilities could allow attackers to take control of devices and steal patient information. Source: https://research.checkpoint.com/2020/fleeting-the-fleetsmith-management-system/
  4. In April 2020, researchers from McAfee discovered a vulnerability in a patient monitoring system made by GE Healthcare. The vulnerability could allow attackers to access sensitive patient data and alter medical records. Source: https://www.mcafee.com/blogs/other-blogs/mcafee-labs/ge-healthcare-monitoring-devices-contain-multiple-vulnerabilities/

It is important for healthcare providers to be aware of these threats and take measures to mitigate them, such as implementing access controls and encryption, conducting regular security assessments, and training employees on cybersecurity best practices.

Attack Vectors on Biomedical Devices

  1. Malware: Malware can be introduced to a medical device through various means, including infected USB drives or email attachments, or by exploiting vulnerabilities in the device’s software. Once on the device, the malware can disrupt device functionality, steal sensitive data, or even enable attackers to take control of the device remotely.
  2. Network Connectivity: Many medical devices now have network connectivity, which can introduce new attack vectors. An attacker can exploit vulnerabilities in the network infrastructure to gain access to a device, or they can target the device directly if it has an internet-facing interface.
  3. Physical Access: Biomedical devices are often located in public areas or are portable, which makes them vulnerable to physical attacks. Attackers can tamper with the device’s hardware or steal the device, which can compromise the security and privacy of patient data.
  4. Insider Threats: Insider threats can come from anyone with access to the device, including employees, contractors, and vendors. These individuals may have legitimate access to the device, but they can use this access to steal data, manipulate device settings, or introduce malware to the device.
  5. Supply Chain: Medical devices can be compromised at any stage of the supply chain, from manufacturing to distribution. Attackers can introduce malware or hardware tampering during the production process, or they can steal devices during shipping and sell them on the black market.
  6. Firmware: The firmware that runs on a medical device can be targeted by attackers, who can exploit vulnerabilities in the firmware to gain access to the device or compromise its functionality. Firmware is often difficult to update, which can make it a prime target for attackers.

It’s important to note that these attack vectors are not exhaustive, and attackers may use other methods to target biomedical devices. Healthcare providers and medical device manufacturers must remain vigilant and implement comprehensive security measures to protect against these and other threats.

Compliance with Regulations

Regulatory bodies and industry standards play a vital role in ensuring the security and privacy of patient information stored on biomedical devices. Complying with these regulations is not only important to ensure patient safety, but also essential for healthcare providers to avoid legal consequences and fines. For example, HIPAA regulations mandate healthcare providers to implement safeguards to protect patient information, including information stored on biomedical devices. Similarly, in Europe, the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) has been established to ensure the safety and security of medical devices, including biomedical devices. The MDR requires manufacturers to assess the cybersecurity risks associated with their devices and implement appropriate security measures to protect against potential threats. Healthcare providers are also required to ensure that the devices they use are compliant with the MDR and implement appropriate security measures to protect patient information and prevent device malfunctions.

Compliance with these regulations can be challenging for healthcare providers, as they often require significant resources and expertise. However, it is essential for healthcare providers to invest in the necessary resources and expertise to ensure compliance with regulations and prioritize the security of biomedical devices. In addition to HIPAA and MDR, there are other regulations and standards for medical device security. These include FDA guidanceISO standardsNIST guidelinesEU MDR, and IEC standards. Adherence to these regulations and standards is critical to ensure the safety and security of medical devices and protect patient privacy.

Ensuring Security on Biomedical Devices

Ensuring the security of biomedical devices is critical for protecting patient safety and privacy. Healthcare providers should take a proactive approach to device security by working with reputable vendors who prioritize security, conducting thorough security assessments of devices before purchasing and deploying them, and implementing a comprehensive cybersecurity program.

To ensure device security, healthcare providers should conduct regular security assessments of their devices, which can include testing for vulnerabilities, ensuring encryption of data in transit and at rest, and evaluating the device’s compliance with regulatory standards such as HIPAA and MDR. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides guidelines for managing and securing medical devices, which can be used to inform these assessments.

Patients can also play an important role in ensuring device security by staying informed about the devices they use and asking their healthcare providers about the security measures in place. Patients should also be vigilant for any signs of device tampering or unauthorized access to their data, and report any concerns to their healthcare providers.

In addition to these steps, healthcare providers and patients can practice good cybersecurity hygiene, such as keeping devices updated with the latest software patches and avoiding connecting to unsecured Wi-Fi networks.

Ultimately, ensuring the security of biomedical devices requires a collaborative effort between healthcare providers, patients, and device manufacturers. By working together and following best practices for device security, we can protect patient safety and privacy in the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare technology.

Challenges to Securing Biomedical Devices

Securing biomedical devices is a challenging task due to a variety of factors. First, many older devices were not designed with cybersecurity in mind, which makes them more vulnerable to attacks. Additionally, securing these devices can be costly, and some healthcare providers may be reluctant to implement security measures that could interfere with patient care.

Another challenge is the lack of standardization in device security across the industry. Different devices may have varying levels of security, and there is no universal standard for assessing device security. This makes it difficult for healthcare providers to evaluate the security of devices they are considering for purchase.

Legacy devices also present a challenge. Many older devices may not have the processing power or memory to support modern security protocols, making them more vulnerable to attack. Replacing all legacy devices with newer, more secure devices can be costly for many healthcare providers.

Finally, the healthcare industry is a frequent target for cyberattacks, and personal health information is a valuable target for hackers. Healthcare providers may face a constant barrage of attacks, making it difficult to stay ahead of the latest threats.

Despite these challenges, healthcare providers must prioritize securing biomedical devices to ensure patient safety and privacy. This may involve investing in newer, more secure devices, implementing security measures on legacy devices, and making cybersecurity a priority in budget and decision-making processes.

By addressing these challenges head-on, healthcare providers can protect patient health information, ensure the safety and reliability of biomedical devices, and safeguard the overall integrity of healthcare systems.

Balancing Security and Accessibility

Balancing the need for security with the need for convenience and accessibility can be difficult. However, healthcare providers must prioritize patient safety over convenience. This means implementing access controls, encryption, and other security measures to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive data and control the device.

healthcare providers could consider conducting a risk assessment to identify the potential risks and vulnerabilities associated with their biomedical devices. Based on this assessment, providers could implement access controls, such as password-protected screensavers, to prevent unauthorized access to the device. They could also encrypt sensitive data to prevent data breaches or use multifactor authentication to ensure that only authorized personnel can access the device.

In addition, providers could develop a protocol or workflow that outlines how to access the device in emergency situations. For example, the protocol could specify who is authorized to access the device, what information they need to provide to gain access, and how long they have to complete the task.

Furthermore, healthcare providers could consider adopting industry best practices, such as the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Controls for Medical Devices, to help manage and secure their devices. The CIS Controls provide a prioritized set of actions that organizations can take to improve their cybersecurity posture.

Overall, healthcare providers must balance the need for security with the need for accessibility and convenience when it comes to biomedical devices. By implementing access controls, encryption, multifactor authentication, and role-based access controls, and following industry best practices, providers can achieve this balance and ensure the safety and privacy of patient data.

Patient Education

Balancing security and accessibility is a critical aspect of ensuring patient safety and effective healthcare delivery. While implementing strong security measures is essential for protecting patient data and preventing unauthorized access to biomedical devices, it is equally important to ensure that authorized users can quickly and easily access the devices when needed for patient care.

One way to achieve this balance is to implement multifactor authentication, which requires users to provide multiple forms of identification before gaining access to the device. For example, a user may need to enter a password and swipe an access card to gain access to the device. This can help ensure that only authorized personnel can access the device while still allowing for quick and easy access in emergency situations.

Another approach is to implement role-based access controls, which limit access to sensitive data and functions based on a user’s role within the healthcare organization. For instance, a doctor may have access to certain functions of a medical device while a nurse may only have access to basic functions. This allows for more granular control over who can access what data and functions, reducing the risk of unauthorized access while still providing necessary accessibility for authorized users.

Healthcare providers can also implement user training and education programs to ensure that authorized users understand the importance of security and their responsibilities for protecting patient data. Such programs can include information on password management, phishing awareness, and other best practices for securing devices and data.

It’s also essential to regularly review and update security measures to address new threats and vulnerabilities. Providers should conduct regular risk assessments and implement updates as needed to maintain the security and accessibility of biomedical devices.

In summary, balancing security and accessibility requires a multifaceted approach that includes implementing security measures such as multifactor authentication and role-based access controls, providing user training and education, and regularly reviewing and updating security measures. By prioritizing patient safety and implementing these measures, healthcare providers can ensure the secure and accessible use of biomedical devices.


Safeguarding biomedical devices is paramount in the high-stakes world of healthcare, where the well-being of patients and the reputation of providers depend on the effective balance of security and accessibility. Navigating this complex landscape, healthcare providers must tackle challenges such as protecting legacy devices, standardizing security protocols, and finding the sweet spot between protection and ease of use.

To triumph in this crucial mission, healthcare providers must adopt a comprehensive and proactive strategy. By partnering with trusted vendors, conducting rigorous security assessments, adhering to regulatory requirements, and deploying powerful security measures like access controls, encryption, and multifactor authentication, healthcare organizations can become fortresses of safety. Furthermore, nurturing a culture of cybersecurity awareness through user training and education programs can empower authorized personnel to become vigilant guardians of patient data.

By championing patient safety and embracing industry best practices, healthcare providers can ensure that their biomedical devices are both secure and accessible, leading to healthier patients and a more robust healthcare ecosystem. Together, we can pave the way for a safer, more reliable future in healthcare technology.


My name is Quinyon Nave, also known as Digital Quinn. As an Active Duty Soldier, I am committed to serving my country, but I am also passionate about cybersecurity. I founded Nave Security to educate others about the importance of data security in the healthcare industry and beyond, and I aspire to become a pioneer in the field. My long-term goal is to research the brain and develop innovative neuro-biomedical technology that can improve people’s lives. In addition to my professional pursuits, I am a firm believer in self-love and self-care, and I strive to promote positive mental health and wellbeing in all aspects of my life.

My name is Quinyon Nave, aka Digital Quinn, and I am an Active Duty Soldier and the Founder of Nave Security. I want to be a cybersecurity pioneer and teach others about data and information security. My other professional ambition is to research the brain and create new forms of neuro-biomedical technology. I am an outspoken proponent of self-love and self-care, and I am on a mission to spread positivity throughout the world.

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